As a marketer in a small team—or the only marketer in your business—you’re probably juggling a mountain of tasks every day. One minute, you’re planning social media posts; the next, you’re drafting email campaigns or updating the company website. It feels like there’s always something to do, and it’s easy for one critical element to slip through the cracks: your brand’s tone of voice. With so many moving parts, how do you ensure your brand consistently sounds the same across every channel, especially when you’re…Continue Reading “Juggling it all? How to easily create a consistent brand tone for small teams”

A couple of weeks ago, I was running late for work. As the morning was not bad enough I realised I was getting my periods and therefore needed to buy some tampons mucho presto. So, I ran into my favourite pharmacy/drugstore near work to get some. Easy. I have been a good customer of this company. To be perfectly honest, this is the only company with which I have a loyalty card that I actually use. (This is probably another topic for another day). I…Continue Reading “The problem with customer surveys”

With a change of direction for the jewellery styles and ranges, I needed to reflect this new approach with the seasonal catalogue. I decided to adopt a more modern size, using a square format as opposed to the traditional A4 Portrait format. This allowed for more dynamism in displaying the various ranges, and made it easier to carry the book aroung. I also adopted a collection based approach (vs. colour based or type of jewellery based) in order to increase storytelling and ongoing content creation for the…Continue Reading “New Catalogue template”